We seek our own self interests and not our brothers,
Drifting towards worldly goods and the praise of others.
Selfishness is a danger which grows and always worsens,
We may forget God and be very unkind to other persons.
Reconcile ourselves to the unswerving will of God,
Not to the will of the Devil as were pulled from the rod.
To retain a remission of our sins open Christ’s door,
Both spiritually and temporally, succor needy and poor.
As we serve others faithfully until our tasks are done,
We become more like The Father and Jesus Christ his Son.
We should love the Lord our God in his atoning role,
Give the Lord our hearts with all our mind and soul.
Live worthy to receive Christ as he descends like a dove,
In a caring manner, give our neighbor all of our love.
Charity is giving our love to Christ so precious and pure,
The true love of Christ never fails, it will always endure,
What kind of a person should we be? Humble like a lamb?
Our Savior Jesus Christ said to us, “Even as I am.”
If we’ve been unkind to others, harmless as it may be,
We’ve failed as Jesus says, “You have done it unto me,”
The Lord has shown us by example what we should do,
Christ Lovingly taught us, “Do as I have done to you.”
Copyright 2000
Gandy Dancer